Some words are different. You may not know why, but they just are. Perhaps it's how they sound (as is the case here), or how they are written, or even what they mean. But for some unknown reason a word can leave an indelible mark on you. This is what happened when I heard the Catalan word 'Sacsejar' last week (I actually saw it as Sacsejava, in the past tense). I read it, looked it up in my dictionary and repeated it to myself again, and again, and again. It has a soft quality, a beautifully resonant tone which takes you further than any other more normal word. And I think this sums up Catalan quite well as a language, especially in comparison with Spanish. Catalan gives you more sounds, more vowels, more beauty - and I know that these are all subjective, and that Spanish has its beauty too, but for me I just want to curl my lips and say once more... 'Sacsejar'.
Word of the Week

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Solamente con mis conoscimentos de español no comprendo estas palabra catalana.