I spend my weekends cycling through the South Wales valleys, sometimes to Merthyr, or Aberdare, or other times just to Pontypridd and back. It's a beautiful thing to do, you're out in the fresh air, you get to see the landscape better than if you're in a car and there's nothing quite like the green green grass of Wales to help you move away from city life. A word I see rather a lot on my travels is - Araf - which means 'slow' in Welsh. As Wales is a officially bilingual country all road signs must be in both Welsh and English, which is cool and means that when I go to England I'm often left thinking, where are the signs? I don't speak Welsh, but everyone in Wales knows the meanings of a certain set of road signs which you see around the country, which is certainly a good way to instil a bilingual mindset when you have a dominant and minority language situation.
Picture by Hywel Harris
Word of the Week

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