Literature - Albert Camus

I've spent the last week reading the novels of the well known French nobel prize winner, Albert Camus. I started with L'Etranger, moved on through La Peste before finally reading La Chute. All in English, I'm afraid!

His books are short, easy to read but full of insight and candour. His way with words is excellent, as his ability to give insight into life in the then French-dominated Algeria. Camus always felt like an outsider, and thus L'Etranger really puts this feeling into words. La Peste, on the other hand, is a beautiful description of an event, indeed it's designed to read like a history and I think it'd made an excellent work from which to design an interesting and innovative history course. La Chute, on the other hand, is a monologue, which still has plenty to offer in Camus' inimitable style, but is less readable than the previous two works. Well worth a look though, whether you read French or not!

Picture: Wikipedia

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