I've been running this blog for a while. At first it was just a small infrequent and rather personal blog which commented on my language learning, but as I got used to the format I started to add a few more things here and there until I reached the present day - where I've now decided to take the next step. So although I will keep adding my more personal entries on language progress and so on, I would also like to add some new features too, to try and brighten up the place, and provide a more rounded sort of page. My ideas are as follows:
Word of the Week - Each week I will choose a word from my (4) languages which means something more to me than your average word. I'll detail its meaning, its history and the way I learnt it and use it.
Grammar School - Another weekly blogpost which will concentrate note on a particular word, but a particular point of grammar. I didn't learn much grammar in school and almost all of my, still feeble, grammar knowledge comes from learning other languages. So this is a learning process!
In The News - Here I will use RSS feeds to try and bring out whatever tidbits I can to show how languages and language learning come into the news, especially in my native Wales/UK.
These are all the changes for now, and as well as some more cosmetic ones I hope to bring in some more advanced features in the coming year. Hopefully my visits will go up too!
New Directions

Copyright Alex Tuck, 2012. Powered by Blogger.
"Word of the week" und "Grammar School" sind gute Ideen für deinen Blog!
ReplyDeleteDu hast wohl Pech gehabt mit deinen Lehrern in der Schule, wenn du dort wenig Grammatik gelernt hast.
Mir hilft es viel, wenn ich in meinem Blog (auf Niederländisch) die türkische oder dänische Grammatik erkläre. Egal wer das dann liest - ich selbst habe dadurch meine Uebung und ich kann die Themen auf meiner Blogwebseite durch die Tags leicht wiederfinden.
Uebrigens sind die grammatischen Fachbegriffe auf Niederländisch richtig schwierig, weil in dieser Sprache keine lateinischen Begriffe benutzt werden wie in den meisten anderen Sprachen.
Zum Beispiel "bijvoegelijk naamwoord" wird dir unverständlich erscheinen. Gemeint ist ein Adjektiv (adjective).
That dictionary looks like one I used to have!