So you get up and walk to your local library. You go through the doors and pick a newspaper or a book.... in Korean! Or Persian! Or Polish! You get the idea. In Sunday's observer they carried an article from the New York Times which explained how the Big Apple had been diversifying their library collections as and when census data and more personal inductive statistics allowed. Basically, as more Koreans, Spanish, Chinese and Russian people moved to the city the network of libraries purchased more and more stock in those languages. Have you ever read anything so beautiful? The article raises the idea of whether this is good for integration, or instead, if it delays integration as people stick to their native languages. I think this is a false argument, providing services for the community at large is a good thing and can only help to integrate people as they realise the benefits that accrue to being part of that society. We should not be scared of multilingualism, in an ever more connected world it can only be beneficial to speak another country's tongue.
Polyglot Libraries

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